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Sleep Apnea Roslyn Heights, NY

Do you or your partner snore or wake repeatedly gasping for air at night?

This could be the sign of an undiagnosed sleep disorder that can threaten your overall health and well-being over time. A range of sleep disorders can leave feeling tired and diminish your performance on a daily basis. However, sleep apnea can also have a detrimental impact on your health.

Sleep Apnea Roslyn Heights, NY

About Sleep Apnea Roslyn Heights, NY

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep disorder. OSA can raise your risk of cardiovascular and systemic related diseases. You are also at risk of a sudden heart attack or stroke if you receive a sleep apnea diagnosis.

If you snore or experience any of the common signs of sleep apnea, prompt diagnosis and treatment are vital. You are then able to receive the necessary treatment for restoring your health and reducing associated risks.

Dr. Sousa offers treatment for patients diagnosed with sleep apnea, specifically OSA. He can provide you with an oral sleep appliance, sometimes called a snore guard. Dr. Sousa will work with you on an individual basis to manage mild to moderate sleep apnea.

East Hills Dental Associates will help you get a diagnosis by working with your general practitioner. If you think you have sleep apnea, discuss your oral health signs and sleep apnea symptoms with Dr. Sousa.

Common Signs of Sleep Apnea

Recognizing the common signs of OSA and discussing your concerns during your regular dental checkups is crucial. Misinterpreting many of the signs as other medical issues is easy. Learning more about the signs and symptoms of nighttime and daytime symptoms will help you. The primary signs and symptoms of OSA include:

Nighttime Symptoms

  • Loud, chronic snoring, often interrupted by pauses and gasping or choking sounds
  • Witnessed breathing pauses during sleep
  • Restless sleep or frequent awakenings
  • Nocturia (waking up to urinate)
  • Night sweats
  • Dry mouth or sore throat upon waking

Daytime Symptoms

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue
  • Morning headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating and memory problems
  • Irritability or mood changes
  • Decreased libido or sexual dysfunction

People with OSA may experience sudden awakenings accompanied by shortness of breath or a racing heart. They often report feeling unrefreshed upon waking despite seemingly adequate sleep duration. Bed partners frequently report loud snoring and observed breathing pauses.

We must note that not everyone with OSA experiences all these symptoms. Also many patients are not even aware of their nighttime breathing issues.

Am I At Risk for Sleep Apnea?

Older adults are more commonly diagnosed with OSA. If you have concerns about being at risk for sleep apnea, please discuss this with Dr. Sousa. During an exam, he can look for common oral signs and risk factors. Dr. Sousa treats sleep apnea and many dental concerns that his patients have. The following risk factors can increase a patient’s susceptibility to developing OSA. These include:

  • Obesity: Being obese is a major risk factor, as excess fat tissue around the neck can narrow the airway. A small airway makes it more likely to collapse during sleep.
  • Anatomical Factors: A narrow throat, enlarged tonsils, or a large tongue can block the airway, contributing to sleep apnea.
  • Family History: Sleep apnea can also have a genetic component. Those with a family history of the disorder are at an increased risk.
  • Age: As you get older, your risk of sleep apnea increases. Age-related decreases in muscle tone can affect the upper airway.
  • Being Male: Men are at a higher risk of sleep apnea. Men are more likely to hold more fat around the neck area leading to a larger neck circumference.
  • Nasal Congestion: Chronic nasal congestion or deviation of the nasal septum can obstruct airflow, increasing your risk of OSA.

The Correlation between Smoking and Sleep Apnea

Smoking tobacco will raise your risk of developing sleep apnea or worsen the symptoms and severity of the condition. Here is a breakdown of how smoking can contribute to OSA:

  • Inflammation: Smoking can lead to inflammation and irritation throughout your entire body, including the upper airways and lungs. Once you have inflammation, it can lead to swelling and narrowing of the airways, making it hard to breathe while sleeping.
  • Mucous Production: Smoking also increases mucus production in the airways. An increase in your mucus production will only further obstruct the upper airway, especially when lying down during sleep. This excess mucus can also contribute to post-nasal drip, leading to inflammation and swelling of the throat tissues.
  • Reduced Muscle Tone: Smoking can affect the functioning of the muscles involved in breathing. It can decrease your muscle tone in the upper airway so that it can easily collapse during sleep.

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

Dr. Sousa will work with your physician to obtain a sleep study if you think you have sleep apnea. If you do have mild to moderate sleep apnea, you can choose treatment other than the CPAP.

We can create a custom oral appliance to treat your sleep apnea in Roslyn Heighs, NY. A custom oral sleep appliance will fit and function much like a sports mouthguard. Our custom sleep apnea treatment will allow you to speak and consume fluids while in place.

Most patients, when given the option, prefer the use of an oral appliance to treat their sleep apnea over a CPAP. A custom sleep appliance is convenient, comfortable, and more discreet than a CPAP machine.

After taking dental impressions of your mouth, Dr. Sousa will design a custom oral appliance to reposition the jaw. You will then wear it nightly to prevent the collapse of your soft tissue at the back of the throat. Your symptoms will improve and you will restore normal patterns and reduce other health risks.

Sleep Apnea FAQs

Are you concerned you have sleep apnea? Read through our sleep apnea frequently asked questions section to learn about this sleep disorder. If you have more questions, please contact East Hills Dental Associates.

How can my dentist help me with sleep apnea?

Dr. Sousa offers oral sleep appliances for people with sleep apnea. A sleep appliance is less invasive than a CPAP and has a high satisfaction rate among patients. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and use them to fabricate your appliance. Your new sleep appliance will fit seamlessly in your mouth and keep your airway open while you sleep.

Are oral sleep appliances comfortable?

Most patients report that their oral sleep appliance is comfortable especially compared to a CPAP machine. Your new sleep appliance will fit just like a mouthpiece. The most-reported complaint is that it may cause some soreness in the jaw. Most of the time this will fade after removing the appliance in the morning.

Can my dentist diagnose sleep apnea?

A dentist cannot diagnose sleep apnea however Dr. Sousa will help you get a sleep study scheduled. A sleep study is the only way to get a proper sleep apnea diagnosis. If you have sleep apnea, then Dr. Sousa will take the necessary steps to have your oral sleep device made.